✨ the little things about digital decluttering

What and when to declutter?

One thing I noticed that helps improve my mood is when I declutter.

The first things that come to mind is decluttering my wardrobe & surroundings.

I recently packed my team pantry and threw away all expired food.

I organised them by categories (tea/sweets/chocolates) and expiry dates and FELT SO MUCH BETTER!!

Because this is the view I see daily from mon-fri.

Messy environment = messy mind

But what about our digital spaces?

Do you realise how cluttered it can be?

Our unattended emails, duplicated photos, and apps that you no longer use.

“What if I need this someday?” you might wonder.

Let’s reframe this. “What are the things I actually need?”

Keep the essential ones and delete everything else away.

What to declutter digitally?

Anything old (irrelevant) and non-essential.

What to keep?

Anything that sparks joy.

Marie Kondo’s tidying-up method

Few areas you can start from:

  1. Deleting OLD files, photos, emails and apps you no longer use.

  2. Unfollowing social media accounts that you don’t enjoy viewing.

  3. Turning off notifications from apps that is not relevant.

Side note, I highly recommend Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix.

It’s not just about tidying up but about the mindset and how you see your possessions after freeing them.

When to declutter?

It might seem like a HUGE project to declutter and can feel overwhelming.

Here are a few ways I’ve tried:

  1. Set aside a dedicated time to declutter with a set goal

    e.g. clear photos in May 2024.

  2. Declutter during the pocket of time instead of doom-scrolling

    e.g. when travelling to work, while listening to podcasts

  3. Make it a daily habit to delete whenever

    e.g. upon receiving an email that is not essential, delete it after reading

Start small, and it will add up to a lot!

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. Share with me what you have decluttered, and how you feel after! 🧹


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