✨ the little things about slowing down

and discovering your core desired feelings

Time flew by so quickly.

It has been 4 months since I wrote this newsletter.

In this journey of self-development, I’ve enjoyed going down the rabbit hole of learning more and more and more.

But… sometimes forgetting to slow down.

To do less.

To be present.

To disconnect.

To appreciate nature.

To watch my thoughts.

Why should we slow down?

It allows us to be more present.

To do things with intentions, with fewer impulse actions.

Most importantly, to be more aligned with our inner world.

A life-changing experience I had was forest bathing.

It’s a gentle walk in nature with the intention to experience a slower way of life.

I could truly slow down, appreciate the beauty of nature and connect with my inner world.

Highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it before.

Discovering Your Core Desire Feelings

In the hustle culture of chasing our goals, have you ever wondered, how you want to feel?

We often go after our goals, focusing on our actions.

And when you reach the goal, you still feel empty…?

That’s because, in the chasing of the goals, you were chasing a certain feeling instead.

And good news - there are many possibilities to achieve these desired feelings!

Simple activity: How do you want to feel?

  1. List down as many feelings you want to feel - at least 10, let’s go!

  2. Now, group the similar ones together.

  3. Then pick THREE that call out to you strongly.

Now, use these THREE core desired feelings to guide your actions. 🌟

For example, one of my core desired feelings is to feel present.

Instead of multitasking, I decided to do one thing at a time

(it’s a work in progress).

See you again next next Tuesday! 💙 (as I’ll travelling back to Malaysia to visit my relatives and be fully present + connected with my loved ones)


P.S. Share with me some ways you slow down in life! I’d love to know more.


or to participate.