✨ the little things about compliments

And how to accept & give them

I was shopping in Vietnam and a lady came up to me.

“Hello, I like your hair, it’s pretty.”

I was flustered and said, “Thank you”.

Honestly, it made my day 🤭 especially so that I didn’t put in any additional effort to style my hair that day.

Compliments make people feel good - both receivers and compliment givers.

Some of us find it difficult to accept compliments.

Most of us were taught to remain humble since young.

Some of us feel unworthy or undervalue our contributions.

Sometimes, the compliment conflicts with what we think about ourselves.

How to accept compliments?

A simple “thank you” will do.

Don’t reject a compliment. 😢 

Many of us say thank you and add a line of negativity by downplaying it.

That isn’t nice for the compliment giver to hear that.

It’s like saying that his/her compliment is a lie.

Here are some ways you can accept compliments:

  • Level 1: “Thank you” period.

  • Level 2: “Thank you, I appreciate you/it made my day.”

  • Level 3: “Thank you, I worked hard for this presentation, and I’m so glad to hear from you that it went well. Are there any areas of improvement I could take note of?”

    (elaboration + question for ongoing conversation)

How to give compliments?

Why do it? You’ll brighten someone’s day.

As the giver, what matters most is that you mean it.

Be specific about the compliment.

“This new hairstyle looks good on you” > “You look good today”.

Specific compliments will make the person feel that you’ve noticed them.

Ask questions with your compliments.

“This new hairstyle looks good on you, where did you have it done?”

Tip of the day: Compliment yourself every day.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. Compliment someone today! Or hit reply to share with me what you like about my newsletter so far (it will really make my day).


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