✨ the little things about feelings

FEEL the feelings

Have you watched Inside Out 2? 😆😢😰😡🫢😨🥺😐️ 

It’s so GOOD, I can’t wait to watch it again to see what I will feel and observe about the movie.

These are my biggest two takeaways from the movie (no spoilers):

  1. Embrace ALL feelings and emotions, because every emotion has a purpose, even the bad ones.

  2. We GROW with new experiences, shaping our belief systems.

Positive emotions like joy and excitement make us feel good.

Negative emotions like sadness, fear, anxiety and anger make us feel uncomfortable.

And I often avoid feeling negative emotions or even judge them.

Sometimes, I feel anxious about feeling anxious.

Instead of letting myself feel the feelings.

Today, I encourage you to feel your feelings.

How to feel your feelings?

  1. Name the feeling without judgement

    How do you feel?

    “I feel anxious

    Studies show that labelling your feelings makes you feel more in control.

  2. Notice the feeling in your body

    Where in your body do you feel anxious?

    Encourage yourself to be in the present, observe the physical sensations in your body and let it flow.

  3. Listen to the feeling’s voice

    If anxious could speak, what would it tell you?

    Get curious about what this feeling is trying to share with you.

  4. Letting go of the feeling

    Feelings are here with a purpose - to share with you a message and leave the body after. Once it has served its purpose, you can CHOOSE to let it go.

More questions to ask yourself when feeling the feelings

  • Why do you feel anxious? What usually triggers anxious for you?

  • What does anxious feel like? What would it be if it had a colour, texture or shape?

  • What thoughts arise when you feel anxious? What could you tell yourself instead? (Caution: Don’t deny your feelings, ALL feelings are valid)

  • How would you like to approach your anxious moving forward?

Want to feel better?

You can book a coaching call with me here and I can guide you to FEEL better.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


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