✨ the little things about worst case scenarios

And the REAL worst case scenario

The worst case scenarios.

The many thoughts that haunt me sometimes.

The worry that the worst case scenario would play out in life.

The limiting belief that stops me from taking actions.

But will the worst case scenario ACTUALLY plays out in real life?

Or does it just keep replaying in my head?

Making me feel shitty emotions, over and over again.

This has to change.

I embarked on a self development journey:

  1. Super Coach Academy: learn coaching skills to unleash my fullest potential so I can do the same for other humans

  2. Well-being Circles: acquire well-being skills through sharing of personal stories

Moving forward, I’ll sharing more on the key learnings from this journey. ✌🏻

The likely case scenario

When thinking about what will happen next, we may be paralysed by our catastrophising thoughts (worst case scenarios replaying in our heads).

When you catch yourself replaying worst case scenarios:

  1. Think of the opposite: What’s the best case scenario that could happen?

  2. Between the worst & best case scenarios: What’s a likely case scenario that could happen?

Often times, what plays out in real life is closer to the likely case scenario.

Sharing a mind-blowing concept I learnt from Supercoach Academy:

The worst case scenario is the best case scenario not happening.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. Is there anything you’ve been holding back from doing? Try thinking of the best & likely case scenario!


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