✨ the little things that makes you overthink

And how to manage it

I was so excited to write this newsletter.

But I started overthinking.

  • What should I write?

  • Will people read it?

  • What if people don't like what I wrote?

GAH!! an empty page as the days passed...😔

So... I thought why not write about overthinking?

I'm sure everyone overthink various things.

  • a nerve-wracking conversation with someone important

  • writing a Linkedin Post

  • thinking about how you would fare in an interview

  • deciding A or B

  • and many more...

As I reflect, I realise that what's stopping me is FOPO - Fear of People's Opinions. 😨😨😨

And today, I’ll share 2 ways to tackle it!

Why is FOPO important?

It’s a mechanism to keep you safe, but also keeps you small.

It’s excessive worrying about what they MIGHT think about you, not what they ARE thinking about you.

How to stop worrying about what others think 😤 ?

1. Focus on what you can control

Let’s try something.

Think about an embarrassing moment in your life

Quite easy to think of many right?

Now, think about an embarrassing moment of others

maybe your friend’s

Difficult to think of one right?

That’s 🔦 spotlight effect - we tend to believe that we are being noticed more than we really are!

We can’t control what others think about us.

But we can control what we feel about our decisions and choices!

📘 Book Recommendation: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

“There are only so many things we can give a f*ck about, so we need to figure out which ones really matter”

2. Progress over perfection

“One day, I’ll do this.”

“One day, I’ll achieve this.”

It’s easy to delay actions, waiting for that perfect, magical moment.

“Day one” is about starting.

Choosing to act now, not later.

Instead of waiting for the right moment, we create that moment.

One day or day one. You decide.

Paulo Coelho

Every journey begins with that single step.

Start with an ugly draft.

Build up from it.

For me, I want to build my physical strength through Pilates.

I’ve been delaying this because whenever I think of Pilates - it’s an hour-long exercise.

And I have to find time to do it (or maybe I’m just feeling lazy oops).

So…. I’m declaring “Day One” to do 10 mins of Pilates daily.

Starting small!

If there’s something that you have always wanted to do but have been putting off for a while, THIS IS A SIGN TO DECLARE YOUR DAY ONE. ✨

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. Let me know what you think about today's topic (I'm not feeling FOPO so don't worry 🤣) & share with me what you’re declaring as your “Day One” so I can keep you accountable 😛!


or to participate.