✨ the little things about figuring your career path

And how you may be confusing it with your job (???)

First of all, I’m sorry that the newsletter didn’t come on Tuesday 🥺 

… I was focusing on recovering by having enough rest after falling ill. (read the previous newsletter)

But anyway,

Are you also figuring out your career path - like me?

I realised my recent conversations revolved around work & career paths.

And that is something that I’ve been thinking about since my education days.

ikigai - the Japanese secret to a long and happy life

I was introduced to ikigai 4 years ago.

You can check out really great video by Chris Do about Ikigai (45mins): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2SqqjRn_c0

A simple self-discovery activity you should try, filling up these

  • What you love: ______________

  • What you are good at: ______________

  • What you can get paid for: ______________

  • What the world needs: ______________

And perhaps you could find your ikigai.

But it’s not easy - it might even take years to figure that out.

Or never even figuring out your ikigai and that’s okay.

I’ve been trying to pursue ikigai and it’s so frustrating as I still can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.

And wow this video by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) was so eye-opening:

Hobby, Job, Career & Vocation

I realised that I confused these four words, and you might be doing so too.

  1. Hobby - something you do for pleasure, with ZERO stakes e.g. muay thai

  2. Job - MUST have to provide for yourself, does not have to fulfil you, just have to pay

  3. Career - a job that you’re passionate about and willing to make sacrifices for because you love it

  4. Vocation - your calling which nobody can give you or take away from you

Elizabeth Gilbert’s vocation was writing (not her hobby e.g. cooking) + having jobs (e.g. bartender, cook).

She chose not to have a career as she wouldn’t have time for her vocation.

Writing became a job as she had journalism work.

Which then became her career (she had to take note of the audience etc).

Her career as a writer might end someday BUT her vocation will not.

If her career as a writer ends, she will get a job and she will continue writing.

Start by deciding where you stand for all of them:

  • Hobby: ______________ e.g. muay thai

  • Job: ______________ e.g. digital banking growth & engagement

  • Career: ______________ e.g. I’m still figuring

  • Vocation: ______________ e.g. perhaps writing

A tip from a mentor: You never know your final destination. You might want to head towards a certain direction NOW. But it can always change along the way - and that’s okay. We can always continue journeying.

See you again in two weeks (I’m travelling)! 💙


P.S. Currently I’m writing based on my recent discoveries for the week instead of preparing my content way in advance sooooooo I figured I don’t have time to write for next Tues ><

🎧 I’ve been loving The LITO Podcast, currently at #12 - Passion


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