✨ the little things about makes you tired

And how to regain your energy

Do you still feel tired after a good night's sleep?

You are not alone.

If you don't pick a day to rest, the body will pick one for you.

I’ve been given 2 days of rest from work.

In 2024, I’ve used up 10/14 days of my Medical leave.

(5 for Chicken Pox, the rest for Flu 😩)

I’ve been making sure I’ve ample sleep but it’s not enough.

Because sleep is just ONE area of rest - physical rest.

Today, I’ll share 7 types of rest and how you can regain your energy.

Why is having rest important?

It allows you to function at your highest potential.

Dr. Saudra Dalton-Smith, reveals the real reason why we are chronically tired despite getting the requisite amount of sleep and 6 other types of rest:

7 types of rest everyone needs

1. Physical Rest

Your body will let you know when you’re not getting enough sleep.

➡️ Any activity that improves your physical well-being


  • Passive physical rest: Sleep and naps

  • Active physical rest: Restorative activities like yoga and stretching to improve the body’s circulation and flexibility

2. Mental Rest

You need mental rest if you constantly feel distracted, overwhelmed, or unable to focus.

➡️ Allows you to detach from cognitive demands


  • Take short, frequent breaks throughout the day

  • Create space in your brain → Brain dump your thoughts

3. Emotional Rest

When you feel emotionally drained, it can be a sign that you said “yes” to something that should have been “no”.

➡️ Reduces stress, overwhelm and anxious thoughts


4. Spiritual Rest

You feel disconnected from the rest of the world, needing spiritual rest.

➡️ Provide you with a sense of purpose and belonging


  • Join a community that aligns with your interests

  • Work with a coach to reconnect your goals

5. Social Rest

You need social rest if you feel drained hanging out with people or craving alone time.

➡️ Gives you a break from socialising to recuperate


  • Take a break from socialising and enjoy solitude

  • Spend time with people who energise you

6. Sensory Rest

Feeling mild anxiety when you get a phone notification means you need sensory rest.

➡️ Helps you disconnect from “the noise”


  • Turn off notifications, and unplug from screens, noise, and lights

  • Try focusing on one sense at a time

7. Creative Rest

You are creatively drained if you feel like you’re out of good ideas.

➡️ Protect your creative energy so you can always feel inspired


  • Appreciate the beauty of nature

  • Do something for fun

What’s next?

Dr. Dalton-Smith advises to start with one or two types of rest where you lack the most.

My results from her Rest Quiz, the highest score being the one I should focus on.

I’ll be focusing on mental rest - setting intentional breaks in my calendar.

What type of rest will you prioritise?

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. I recently enrolled on a 12-week Life Coaching Training & Certification. I’ll be setting up pay-as-you-wish life coaching calls soon - keep a look out and do reach out if you want exclusive access to it! ✨


or to participate.