✨ the little things about energy

gainers and drainers

honestly, I’m still decluttering digitally daily… deleting apps, chats, etc

because it’s draining me

taking all my attention

making me tired

there’s only that much energy we have in a day.

we should TRY to spend most of our time on what energies us.

Step 1: Identify your energy gainers & drainers

Step 2: Do more energy gainers and less energy drainers.

Tip: Mix them up in your day: energy gainer > energy drainer > energy gainer

Below is an example of mine, try it yourself too!

🔋 Energy gainers

find more opportunities to do more of these

  • eating yummy food

  • drinking water

  • hanging out with loved ones

  • teaching/mentoring

  • appreciating the little things

🪫 Energy Drainers

sometimes these can’t be avoided, we should look for healthy ways to reduce or eliminate them.

  • negative conversations

  • doom-scrolling

  • self-sabotaging thoughts

  • people pleasing actions

  • clutter and messes

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. The best investment you can make is in yourself, I can’t wait for the life coaching course I’ve signed up for! What about you, how have you invested in yourself?


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