✨ the little things about complaints

And how to deal with chronic complainers

Are you feeling drained from complaints?

Could be your own complaints, or someone else’s.

Complaining drains your time & energy.

Receiving complaints also drains your time & energy.

Complaints doesn’t feel good in the long run - both complaint giver and receiver.

It might be difficult to stop complaining.

Your brain is wired to avoid pain.

And complaining makes you feel better temporarily.

But it does not solve anything.

Repeated complaining rewire your brain to complain even more.

And still does not solve anything.

How to stop complaining?

NOTICE it when you want to complain.

Ask yourself, what do you want out of complaining?

Usually, it’s to vent frustration and feel validated.

After you complained once…

Ask yourself again, what do you want out of complaining?

Does complaining actually help you feel better?

(the person listening probably didn’t)

DECIDE that you want to stop complaining.

  • Focus on what you DO have, not what you don’t have.

  • Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can’t do.

How to distance myself from a chronic complainer?

You need to set healthy boundaries.

You could offer a listening ear for a duration you are comfortable with.

“I have a few minutes to talk if you feel like ranting and I’m here to listen. Then, I’ve to get back to….”.

You could let them how you feel if they are open to feedback.

Note: Don’t give advice if they didn’t ask for it. And don’t get offended they are not receptive to your advice.

If you can’t do any of the above, isolate yourself from the situation. Stay away from these people, spend lesser time with them. Protect your energy.

Tip of the day: Energy flows to where attention goes.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. If you’re ready to move from draining behaviours to feeling better, schedule a coaching call with me here. I work with people who are ready to transform!


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