✨ the little things about doing things excited

just do it anyway

Is there something that you’ve been yearning to do?

Be it creating a portfolio website, building your personal branding or picking up a new hobby/skill.

But till now, you haven’t started…?

Let’s think about the first time you set your mind on wanting to do something.

Let’s say it’s creating a portfolio website (or whatever you choose this to be).

I’m sure it started as feeling excited. Or maybe it comes with some fear too.

But what often happens is that we tend to overthink, and let the doubts creep in and even think of the worst case scenarios. 🙃 

Today, I encourage you to do things while you’re still excited.

Why do things while you’re still excited?

If you sit on something for too long, it’s like leaving fresh food out for too long and it becomes stale. When it becomes stale, you no longer want it anymore and toss it away.

So instead, when you are most excited about something, JUST DO IT!

For the adventures, for the learnings, for the experience.

Do it as a beginner.

Keep doing and doing.

With many quantities, it will lead to quality.

Next steps: Transformation Cycle

We are always learning things every day. (Knowledge Acquisition)

But it becomes nothing if we don’t apply it. (Applied Knowledge)

  1. Just do it

  2. Reflect

  3. Improve

And keep repeating this cycle.

After you learn something that sparks joy, just do it.

Reflect on what went well and what didn’t.

Choose and focus on one thing to improve on.

Sharing a mind-blowing concept I learnt from Lito Academy:

Focus on what you can control e.g. how you show up. Let go of the obsession of the outcome that you can’t control.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. If you are struggling to kickstart something or experiencing any obstacles/frustration in life right now, book a coaching call with me here and I’m so excited to guide you to your next breakthrough! ✨


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