✨ the little things about self-care

how to REALLY care for yourself

What do you first think of about self-care?

Probably activities like watching your favourite show, eating your favourite food or even enjoying a massage.

These are all passive self-care - which you are not actively involved in the work at all times.

And there’s another type of self-care called active self-care - which requires hard work.

It’s about learning about yourself on a deeper level.

Below is an example of how I practice self-care:

Passive self-care

restores energy and temporary

  • pampering myself with my favourite desserts

  • netflix binge

  • sleeping in and naps

Active self-care

ongoing and creates long-term growth

  • self-coaching: learning tools from Supercoach Academy & LITO podcast

  • exercising: muay thai weekly + climbing stairs at any opportunity

  • setting healthy boundaries

How both can work together?

Active self-care can be draining but rewarding.

It takes up a lot of time and mental energy, to see growth in your mindset.

That’s why passive self-care is important too - to let your body and brain take a break to recharge.

With both, you can REALLY care for yourself, feeling well-rested & creating transformation in your life.

Sharing a mind-blowing concept I learnt from Supercoach Academy:

Everytime you feel pain about a past, you’re creating a new thought about something that’s over.

See you again next Tuesday! 💙


P.S. Have you practiced self-care this week? Try out active self-care if you haven’t!


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